MVCMA Scholarships
Do you know a great high school senior either from the campground or the Vineyard?
The Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting Association established its scholarship program more than twenty years ago. As part of the Island community, the MVCMA wished to assist Island families by awarding an annual scholarship to a student graduate from Martha’s Vineyard schools to support the awardee’s post-high school education.
After several years, the number of scholarships increased to two, and in 2016 to three, one of which is awarded to a student with family ties to the MVCMA. Among the criteria for these awards, community service and academic achievement are important, and given the religious mission of the MVCMA, religious activities are also an important focus.
Currently, the scholarships provide a total of $4,000, $1000/year for four years to each of the recipient’s place of higher education. The MVCMA is proud to be able to support the Martha’s Vineyard community and our Camp Meeting community through these scholarships. The deadline for either of these applications is March 15, 2025.