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Deferred Donations

If you seek to help insure the future of the Martha's Vineyard Camp Meeting Association, and would like to postpone a large gift to the future, please reach out to Audrey Grossberg, Chair of the Memorial Gifts & Scholarship Committee at the MVCMA to discuss how you may defer a contribution through your retirement plan, trust, will or other planning.  Contact Info :

It is through the forward thinking of generous patrons like you that we will be able to ensure the permanence of the Association's historic buildings and the quality of programs for future generations. Possible ways to make a planned gift are outlined below. 


All types of planned giving, which defer until after a person's death, are considered bequests. Each method has different nuances and offer unique, but attractive tax benefits.  â€‹This page of various options is meant for ideas, but please always check with an estate planning and tax specialist to determine which option is best for you.

Types of Deferred Donations

Gifting Real Estate

A gift of real estate is a wonderful way to make a large contribution toward securing the future of the MVCMA while retaining the right to live in your home for the rest of your life.  Gifts of primary, as well as vacation homes and land, may be made through your will or a revocable living trust.​

Gifts of Cash &
Personal Property

A cash gift through your will or revocable living trust is the easiest and most common way to make a planned gift. It can be for a percentage of your estate or for a specific dollar amount. 

Some tangible personal property may also be a charitable gift. Any tax deduction depends on whether the MVCMA can use it in a way that is related to its tax-exempt purpose.  

Redirecting Life Insurance

When you own a life insurance policy with accumulated cash value, and its original purpose for protection no longer applies (such as educating children now grown), you may want to consider redirecting the funds to help support a worthwhile cause.

Retirement Plan Assets

If you have an employer retirement plan, IRA, or other tax-sheltered annuity, keep in mind that these are some of the most heavily taxed assets at time of death,  totaling up to 35%. This may make it worth considering naming MVCMA as a beneficiary (all or in part) of your retirement account and leaving less heavily taxed assets to your heirs.

Securities & Bonds

Stock that has increased in value is one of the most popular assets used for charitable giving, once it has been held for more than one year. Making a gift of securities to the MVCMA offers you the chance to help us while realizing many important benefits for yourself.

Savings bonds are normally taxed when they're cashed in, reissued to another person or reach final maturity. Fortunately, you can reduce, or even eliminate, income taxes when you choose to leave your bonds to the MVCMA. Although the bonds themselves can't be directly donated to a charitable organization during your lifetime, there are smart strategies that allow you to use them to support our mission. 


80 Trinity Park Oak Bluffs, MA 02557
Tel: 508-693-0525 x 10   

Tel: 508-693-0525   

Martha's Vineyard Camp Meeting Association
P.O. Box 1685
Oak Bluffs, MA 02557

M - F : 9:00AM - 3:00PM

9 AM - 1 2 PM (June - August only)

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